Winter Yoni Radiance Guide

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The season of Yin: Going Within the Cave...
Tis’ the season for diving in, supporting and nourishing the layers within. Although the energy of the season feels low and stagnant , winter holds so much potency beneath the surface.

⚡️I am excited to share some of my own self-care yoni radiance tools here, along with cherished products are locally and mindfully made to support the physical, emotional, energetic and mental layers in the body. Some of my most sacred times are spent through early morning yoni steam and winter❄️ reflections. . I hope this inspires you to craft your winter practices and build a yoni toolkit that enhances your radiance, both internally and externally.⚡️

...Enjoy exploring the magic within💥

Yoni Steams



A yoni steam is a warm steam bath for the vulva, vaginal canal, internal tissues, organs and pelvic floor . It combines a customized blend of herbs and warm steam generated from a pot beneath a seat. It is a powerful and grounding experience that can be a vehicle in healing on all of these levels.

Yoni translates to ‘sacred seat' all-encompassing of the reproductive system: physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

A yoni steam is a gentle way to bring warm steam and heat to the pelvis and to the womb, increasing circulation and energy flow. The moist heat opens up the pores of the tissues and the herbal infusion offers the medicinal benefits of the plants.

The vaginal tissue is one of the most porous and absorbent of the entire female body. As a result, the steam is supportive for women’s reproductive, urinary and digestive health.

This was major game-changer for my body! After I first experienced this tool, I knew life would never be the same. I have consistently practiced monthly yoni steams for the past few years. My cycles have never been so beautiful: regular, no PMS symptoms, PCOS has cleared. My own practice led me to explore a certified training program. This was very complementary to my background in nutrition and herbs. This has enhance my passion to share this tool with other woman

**Please note that it is essential to work with a trained practitioner when you begin to explore your yoni steam practices. The yoni is a sacred seat of a woman's body. **

Curious to explore a session for yourself? Let’s connect here!

Yoni Eggs



The practice of yoni eggs involves wearing a gemstone carved like an egg inside the vagina. When you practice with a Yoni Egg, you engage the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic floor. While practicing, the brain can begin to create new neuron connections correlated with areas of the body. 

Living our busy lives, we spend a lot of our time in our heads, not necessarily bringing awareness in engaging our pelvic floor muscles. This leads to loss of sensitivity and sensation in the vaginal area, reproductive health problems, urinary health interferences, PMS, disempowerment, decreased libido and a disconnection to our sacred feminine energy.

Studies show that the main culprit of dis-ease in the pelvic floor is lack of blood flow to this area of the body.

According to the Yale University School of Medicine, women overall have an up to 60% rate of incontinence and 50% rate of POP (pelvic organ prolapse) post-partum today. 

Yoni Eggs offer many health benefits including,but not limited to:

  • Gain control of the perineum and all groups of pelvic floor muscles

  • Improve bladder control and bladder health

  • Support Orgasmic Health: including vaginal, cervical and blended orgasms

  • Reducing PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort; as through regular practice it can increase blood flow to pelvic organs and help move stagnant energy.

  • Stimulates the ovaries in a gentle way balances hormone levels

  • Assist in bringing more awaress, presence and connection to the physical, emotional and energetic levels in the body

We offer one-on-one yoni egg consultations to explore how, when/when not, why to safely use yoni eggs. This is a customized session that will provide you with the confidence and knowledge in developing your own yoni egg practice.

Curious? Let’s chat!

V-Magic Down There Care


 This an all-natural vulva and intimate skin cream that soothes, protects and calms. This nourishing cream provides immediate relief for dryness, redness, itching, burning and general discomfort. Vaginal tissue is vulnerable to temperature change and dampness. This is a proprietary blend of antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredients that can counter the irritated tissues.

This is an everyday cream that can be used both day and night. This is a soothing and supportive balm to use pre/post sex, but does not work with condoms.

Rose Breast and Body Oil by Turn to Nature


This proprietay blend of Apricot Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Red Clover (lymphagogue), Calendula (vulnerary & lymphagogue), Chickweed (supports in dissolving cysts & supports dry skin/rashes), Cape Chamomile Essential Oil & quartz crystals offers properties that are wound healing, supportive of the lymphatic system, tonifying, anti-inflammatory and boosts circulation.  This helps to move excess hormones, encourage the lymphatic system (can reduce cysts and lumps from forming) and support the connection to yourself.  

Venus Bath Blend by Turn to Nature

This rose bath is to invoke joy, a sense of calm and connect to your sensuality. Oatstraw is highly nutritive and great for sensitive skin as well as the nervous system. Rose helps with tonifying skin as well as reducing any redness. This bath is great during times of feeling down, needing a moment alone or when you are feeling joy and want to share a bath with a loved one.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

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Infrared Sauna Heat warms your body from the inside out. It helps increase your core body temperature which in turn:

-Reduces Inflammation in the body

-Supports Circulation

-Supports Lymphatic Drainage

-Supports Whole Body Detoxification (which in turn helps flush excess toxins and helps to support hormonal regulation)

-Supports Reducing Stress

-Improves Cellular Renewal

-Boosts the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses

-Chromatherapy Lights support mood, reduce SAD (Winter Blues), enhance relaxation

I work a few sauna sessions into my week to support my body and mind. I am a sun-worshiper. I thrive in the warm months. Using the sauna has reduced my response to the winter blues, keeps my spirit up and has improved my immune health.

Learn more about the infrared sauna here:

Create a Yoni Altar


There is no right or wrong way to create your altar. My request is that you work with what resonates with you right now... life brings us endless waves of transformation and our intentions, priorities and  focus points change over time. We honor what is, we bow in honor of what was and we move onward and upward. Celebrate, honor, invoke along the way on your journey.
A personal yoni altar cultivates sacred space for you to call forth intentions, desires, prayers and reflection of your journey. It serves as a place that supports and helps you center your awareness on your inner longings. It reflects your intentions such as healing, nourishment, presence and activation. It is meant to be a visual reminder to go within and explore all that awaits you there!
There is no right or wrong way to set up an altar. Follow your intuition into adding what resonates with you onto your altar. Write, decorate, draw. Honor and celebrate the beauty within you!

Cheers to nourishing your body this winter!

I would love to hear some of your favorite winter self-care tools!