::Spring Cleaning from the Inside Out::
“Oh, hello in there! Spring is here. It’s time to cheer, and shine like the sun. Come out and play; dance your dance. This is nature’s birthing season-the time of creation and development. - Elson M, Haas”
A radiant guide co-written by two beams of light: aspiring nutritionist, Kristin Tedeschi and herbalist, Georgia Fickes all about making the transition into Spring. Enjoy!
The beginning of Spring is March 21st, the time of the spring equinox, when day equals night. Spring is about clearing out the old and starting the new. When we think about “Spring Cleaning” we think about de-cluttering our rooms, closest, houses, offices, garages; the physical cleaning.
But have you thought about clearing out within yourself? This is your NEW, so take some time to write a new health/life plan, goals for your physical, spiritual and emotional self and anything you’d like to see change. Plant those dream seeds now and let them blossom in the upcoming months.
To help water your seeds, we would like to share some seasonal foods, herbs and wellness treatments to move the old and bring out the radiant new.!
Springtime Foods
As nature grows them and gives them - Eating Whole Foods provides the most nutrients and vitamins making it is easier for the body to digest and assimilate.
Tart and sweet, these gems are high in vitamins, minerals and fibers. Containing Vitamin C which helps maintain and strengthen the immune system and potassium to assist with muscle contractions and nerve function these dynamic minerals play a role in overall health. Cherries aid in the ease of digestion because of their high fiber content, support a well rested night with its natural melatonin and are full of antioxidants.
Including the leaves and stems! Don’t just eat the berry, include those stems in your diet, with a smoothie or add to your water. They are high in iron, calcium and vitamin c. Also contain tannins which enhance gut health and can help strengthen digestion.
Has the trifecta for immune support being high in vitamins A, C & E. Eat a grapefruit a day and not only may it help keep your immune strong but it can even help the body have higher nutrient consumption all around! Another fun fact is grapefruit is extremely hydrating, so add one to your regular water consumption and you’ll be flowing with fluids!
Artichokes are low in fat but packed with nutrients from fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It contains liver-protective agents called cynarin. These compounds stimulate the liver and gallbladder. They are high in fiber with 6g per serving, rare for a vegetable! Keeping the digestive tract moving. Artichokes contain inulin, a type of fiber which acts as a prebiotic, promoting friendly gut bacteria.
Loaded with vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants is can help neutralize cell-damaging free radicals and reduce inflammation. It contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine, a natural diuretic, which can increase urination and detoxification
Part of the leafy green family, spinach has tons of benefits but highlighting the vitamins and minerals alone can show just how important this leaf could be to your diet! Vitamin A. Spinach is high in carotenoids, which your body can turn into vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K1, folic acid, iron & calcium. It is full of plant compounds including kaempferol which is an antioxidant that may decrease your risk of cancer and chronic diseases. As well as quercetin that may ward off infection and inflammation.
Containing high-quality proteins, lots of vitamins and minerals, good fats - walnuts are some powerful nut. Walnuts contain omega-3s, antioxidants and fiber promoting a healthy gut, quality nutrition and some light eats for the spring to come!
No other way to detox and keep systems flowing then staying hydrated! Drink, Drink, Drink & add a little bit of lemon. Lemons are excellent for cleansing the digestive tract and help to alkalize the blood. They stimulate intestinal functions and the astringent properties help cleanse the body of excess mucus.
Spring Herbal Support
Urtica dioica
As we come out of winter, nature supplies us with abundant and nutrient rich plants to support our bodies in building up our reserves and energy for the season ahead. Nettles is highly nutritive and therefor an herb that can be enjoyed daily. If you planted this in your garden you will notice the quick spread, one which I welcome. With the abundant nature of this herb you can make infusions, teas, pesto, add to soups or smoothies, or sauté the leaves with some garlic. Nettles is high in iron, calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, potassium, and silica. It is a slight antihistamine, and great for seasonal allergies, especially when paired with goldenrod. It is a diuretic, gently cleansing the kidneys and increasing urination. This movement of water through out your body supports in moving stagnation. This herb is great if you are looking to support your adrenals and great for keeping alkalized. It helps to gently cleanse your system while also nourishing your body.
Nettles is a beautiful herb that starts to pop up early in Spring. On the underside of its leaves It contains tiny hairs with formic acid. These hairs sting and cause welts when handling or brushing up against it. Be cautious when harvesting and wear gloves if you would like to avoid the sting. Some have used the sting of nettles for aching joints, whacking it on their skin to bring blood flow to the area. This releases an anti-inflammatory response to the area of pain thus supporting inflamed joints temporarily. I attribute the sting of Nettles with guiding us to become more aware of our boundaries. Taking note of what we are energetically allowing into and out of our space.
Contraindications: As a diuretic it may be dehydrating or aggravating to some.
How to take: Infusions are great for nettles. Use a quart sized jar and 1oz of dried nettles. Boil water, put the herbs in the jar, pour hot water in the jar with herbs, cap and let sit for 4-8 hours. Strain and drink. You may drink a quart a day. This helps to clear up skin and support the alkalinity of your body. Put fresh or dried nettles in soups for added benefit.
Inula helenium
This plant is related to the sunflower family. The roots are the parts used and have a distinct smell and pungent taste. The volatile oils of the roots support our respiratory system, digestion, and liver. Through its pungent and bitter taste, Elecampane stimulates digestion. Helping to move any stagnation in our gut or liver. Not only does it help to move along digestion but it is also high in inulin making it a well-rounded herb to support our gut microbiome and any imbalances there. The volatile oils also help to disinfect our respiratory tract. When we ingest herbs that are aromatic the way that they work is through those strong oils going to our lungs and helping to take care of any unwanted invaders. To give you an idea of aromatic herbs here are some others that support the respiratory system; thyme, bee balm, and oregano. Elecampane is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, an expectorant, cholagogue and antitussive.
Contraindications: Do not take if pregnant. Elecampane is relate to the Asteraceae family for those that are allergic. This herb is drying in nature and builds heat. If you have a dry cough make sure to pair it with licorice or marshmallow root.
How to take: Some like to take it as a tincture as the taste is very strong as a tea. Yet, I have been drinking it as a tea with some licorice root to sweeten and soften its drying properties. It is quite good this way.
Spring Cleaning Liver Support
As you begin your cleaning journey, think about your liver and gallbladder, the two organs associated with spring time. The gallbladder sits in the central area of the liver and assists in storing and secreting bile for digestion, especially for the breakdown of fats. The liver is the body’s largest organ and master laboratory. It stores and distributes nourishment for the entire body, assists in the formation and breakdown of blood as well as cleaning out any toxins. The liver plays a huge roll in digestion by making bile, aiding in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein (all those yummy foods from earlier in the read!). Being the largest organ it plays a role in almost all major functions of the body, SO a strong liver makes for a strong body.
Keep that liver thriving!
Liver Vitality by Anima Mundi is a daily cleanser for the liver and gallbladder. It is a nutritionally dense, therapeutic green cleanse with the power to detoxify your liver and gallbladder. This highly cleansing mix can jump start your overall digestion and contains a mega-load of anti-cancerous chemicals known for their ability to eliminate heavy metals, environmental toxicity accumulation and stresses inhibiting overall organ function.
Serving Suggestion: 1 teaspoon to your favorite tea, smoothie or water daily!
Sunshine Kate’s offers sample packs of Liver Vitality for $8! You can explore more about it here: https://www.sunshinekates.com/shop-sunshinekates/liver-vitality-daily-green-detox
Call us today or come visit in our Wanamassa location.
Lower Belly Detox Pack is a a combination of castor oil and bentonite clay applied over the lower abdominal area and the liver (located under the right rib-cage). After the pack is applied, it is covered with infrared heat. This is a healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory and grounding practice to support physical, emotional and energetic yoni & liver health.
At Sunshine Kate’s, certified specialist focuses both on the liver and lower abdominal area to support the whole endocrine system.
Some of the benefits that can be gained from using lower belly detox packs include:
· Supports an increase in circulation and lymphatic drainage
· Supports removal of impurities and heavy metals
· Supports pain relief
· Cleanses and purifies the skin
· Reduce symptoms of PMS
· Soothes and eases congestion in the liver and lower belly
· Supports ovarian health
· Supports fallopian tube health
· Supports uterine health
· Deepens the connection to the body: physically, emotionally and energetically
· Healing to the body after cesarean births (as castor oil can help dissipate scar tissue)
Whole Body Cleaning
Infrared Sauna engages your body’s natural healing and health-supporting mechanisms through heat, healing infrared rays and chromotherapy. The solar carbon technology used in sunlighten saunas can raise the core body temperature by 2 to 3 degrees, enabling the body to expel toxins from within. This deep penetration can help increase blood flow and perspiration. This detoxifying sweat helps remove heavy metal toxins, hormone disruptors and general toxins in the body. Infrared saunas are a great way to assist in clearing of the old or stagnant and opening for the new and fresh.
Some of the benefits gained from Infrared Sauna Issue:
Whole body detoxification
Relieve pain
Keep a heart healthy
Boost Immunity
Lessen Inflammation
Improve mental clarity
Ease anxiety & depression
Support Relaxation
Aid in clearer, healthy skin
Sunshine Kate’s offers Private Far Infrared Sauna Sessions with chromotherapy that will detoxify and open the body in the spring months to come!
Out with with old and in with the new, let spring time blossom you!
Meet Kristin:
Kristin came to us in May of 2019 after she left her mainstream Marketing job to find something that aligned with her passion, goals and ultimate journey. She is currently study for her Holistic Health and Wellness Certification with a focus in nutrition and exercise. Her active lifestyle of sports, snowboarding, strength & resistance training and exploration has lead her to the path of studying food and all the nutrients that help the body maintain health, heal, detox and/or contribute to body goals based on training.
She hopes to provide knowledge and support to the community about foods that fuel our bodies and souls, heal blockages or glitches in the body and mind and provide reliable education that can help individuals throughout their wellness journey.
Kristin has just begun her journey in the health and wellness world but her passion, drive and caring nature are sure to be a force in the field.
Meet Georgia:
Georgia has been part of the SK team since 2017. She is an herbalist and modern day medicine woman. Georgia is the founder of Turn to Nature -a eco-friendly brand devoted to created sustainable body blends, herbal remedies and crystal jewelry based along the Jersey Shore.
Her products are carried in our practice and you can also find her at many local farmer’s markets in the NJ area.
Connect with Georgia through email: turntonaturenj@gmail.com and on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/turntonature/