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Virtual Yoni Egg 4-Week Journey

Join us from the comfort of your home for an inspiring and empowering journey geared towards nourishing the nervous system, explore a full spectrum of emotions, enhancing pelvic & lymphatic health and whole body awareness. There is a strong connection between the vagus nerve and working with pelvic health. You can read an expansive blog that I wrote about this connection here.

We will be exploring movement, breathing exercises, somatic practices, visualizations and meditations while using yoga eggs (externally & internally *optional) all crafted and designed to support whole body nourishment and vitality.

This class is available for women in all stages of life and all levels of working with yoni eggs!  BEGINNERS are encouraged to join!

Yoni Eggs will be available for purchase before our journey begins

Yoni Egg Yoga Practices can:

-Develop and enhance a deeper and more loving relationship with your body

-Can help to release stored emotional and energetic imprints, as the vaginal tissue holds onto these psychological blockages

-Increase perception of your yoni, control over the vaginal muscles

-Awaken your creative energy, passion and libido and sexuality

-Support Orgasmic Health: including vaginal, cervical and uterine orgasms

-Gain control of the perineum and all groups of pelvic floor muscles

-Reducing PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort; through regular practice can increase blood flow to your pelvic organs and help move stagnant energy. Stimulating the ovaries in a gentle way balances hormone levels

-Reduce menopausal symptoms and balancing estrogen levels

-Overcome traumatic experiences of sexual abuse

-Regular practice stimulates the bartholin gland inside the vagina that are responsible for producing lubrication. One of the first effects women experience is feeling juicier, which can be helpful for menopausal women.

-It can strengthen bladder health

The first class will demonstrate how use yoni eggs (available for purchase before our first practice), and will lead into gentle breath and movement practices. Each class will build upon the previous.

The classes will be recorded and sent out the the group after each class. For the preservation of integrity and privacy, these are not to be shared with anyone outside the journey.

Drop-in for single classes is not an option for this 4-week journey.

Live classes will take place Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm EST, December 20 (with a winter solstice invocation), December 27, January 3, January 10