creating a yoni altar


Yoni Beauties, the time has come to dive deep into our desires and intentions!

I invite you to take your time as you explore this exercise in creating your own Yoni Altar.

Have you ever created a vision board before? This is a similar process in the way you bring awareness and focus to different areas of your life. It can be a space where you literally place items and intentions you would like to call forth into your life, and it can be a place of reflection and honor of your journey. There is no right or wrong way to create your altar. My request is that you work with what resonates with you right now... life brings us endless waves of transformation and our intentions, priorities and focus points change over time.

We honor what is, we bow in honor of what was and we hold the space for the mystery of what lies ahead. What would you like to call forth as you travel along your journey? What do you want to celebrate and honor?

How to Create a Personal Yoni Altar

A personal altar cultivates sacred space for you to call forth intentions, desires, prayers and reflection of your journey. It serves as a place that supports and helps you center your awareness. It is meant to be a visual reminder to go within.
There is no right or wrong way to set up an altar. Follow your intuition into adding what resonates with you onto your altar.

Where you choose a spot to make an altar.
Choose a place that feels sacred and protected. This can be a place where you can sit near it in quiet contemplation for a few moments every day. I have explored different areas such as my nightstand, outside near my garden in warmer months. It’s currently near my dedicated meditation spot in my bedroom….

It doesn’t matter where you set it up as long as it feels right for YOU! It doesn’t matter the size of your altar for it to be powerful! It can be the size of a small corner of your nightstand, or it can claim the length of a bookshelf.

What you place on your altar.
Place items that call to you, that speak to your inner spirit. This can include spiritual guides, photos of loved ones (and yourself), gifts from others, treasures from nature such as shells, stones, feathers, intention cards, written messages/prayers, elements such as candles (to be reminded of the power of transformation), a bowl of water (to be reminded of the fluidity and flow in life), a pinch of salt for protection, smudging herbs that resonate with you, etc…
What you place on your altar can change from time to time based on your priorities and what is happening in your world.

Listen to your inner voice as you embark on the creation of your beautiful yoni altar. Celebrate and honor you.