::The In-Between::

'The waiting.
The meantime.
The in-between.
It all serves a purpose.
Trust your process, even the delays and detours.'

Ahh, the waiting....

“Sometimes, to get from where we are to where we are going, we have to be willing to be in-between.

One of the hardest parts is the concept of letting go of what is old and familiar, of what we don’t want, and being willing to stand with our hands empty while we wait for what fills them next.

Being in-between can apply to every aspect of our lives, as well as emotions, behaviors and habits.

Being in-between isn’t always fun or easy, but it’s necessary.
It will not last forever.
It may feel like we’re standing still, but we’re not.
We’re standing at the in-between place.
It’s how we get from here to there. It is not the destination.

We are moving forward, even when we’re in-between."

I share the photo above that I snapped last spring as a beautiful reminder of embracing the in-between and celebrating the beauty and color of the season. 

Cheers to embracing all of your in-betweens and the beauty that awaits to be unveiled there!
-Sunshine Kate

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